When did it all start?
Quite a few years ago when climbing inthe Peak District I saw some people carrying what looked like huge rucksacks up to the top of the crag - I remember thinking that this was some kind of masochistic backpacking expedition. A while later as I sat at the top of the crag, I could see that they were not just huge rucksacks but paragliders, and that these people were about to fly. I don't remember seeing them fly that day but another occasions I have been halfway up a route or sat at the top of the crag and have heard an electonic bleeping coming from above me. Looking up I saw a paraglider soaring just above the crag, tracking along ridge that the crag forms.
Walking in the Lake District one November, I also saw a group of people - with the same huge rucksacks walking up a hilside. It seemed a bit of a slog but taking in the sunshine we were happy just to sit and watch. I remember clearly that it was a lovely bright autumn and that one by one they ran, launched from the hillside and slowly floated back to earth. It certainly looked appealing.
A number of years on a sunny weekend afternoon later I saw people paragliding at Dunstable Downs and I remember clearly watching one pilot land on top of the hill, pack his kit into the rucksack and stroll of towards the car park. One day I thought...one day.