Sunday, 10 February 2008

Dynamic Decisions DVD

Browsing XCShop just recently I found myself tempted by this DVD. Having received it a fews days after ordering I watched it few times and was fairly pleased with what I got for my £5.95.

If i'd ever been tempted to upgrade my wing this DVD would have cautioned me against getting one beyond my experience. As it is I haven't been tempted to upgrade as (a) I don't fly often enough; (b) I still consider myself a relative beginner; and (c) cost is unlikely to ever not be an issue!

Anyway, I was very much reassured that the low-end 1-2 gliders exhibited lots of passive safety. My wing is a Skywalk Tequilla (a low-end 1-2) and seeing how some of the higher rated gliders reacted to both symetric and asymetric collapses I shall remain happy with my glider for some time to come.

There is also some nice flying footage on the DVD as well as the demonstrations of how the different grade gliders react to collapses. While its not a full-on professionally filmed and produced DVD I felt that for the price it was certainly good value for money and much welcome inspiration in the UK winter time.


raveydv said...

Looks like an interesting DVD and, as one pilot who has succumbed to temptation and upgraded to a rather 'sporty' DHV2, one I might do well to watch!

However, what I want to know is; how did Captain Scarlet (or is it Black?) get on the cover, when paragliding clearly wasn't invented back then?!

Mat said...

There's not masses of footage but it was interesting to see the different characteristics of the wings. I'm glad mines not too lively!